CPSC 330 Lecture 16: DBSCAN, Hierarchical Clustering


  • HW6 is due next week Wednesday.
    • Computationally intensive (welcome to real-life ML!)
    • heads up: you will need to install many packages (welcome to real-life ML!)

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All credit to Dr. Varada Kolhatkar for putting this together!

Recap: iClicker Exercise 15.3

Select all of the following statements which are True

    1. If you train K-Means with n_clusters= the number of examples, the inertia value will be 0.
    1. The elbow plot shows the tradeoff between within cluster distance and the number of clusters.
    1. Unlike the Elbow method, the Silhouette method is not dependent on the notion of cluster centers.
    1. The elbow plot is not a reliable method to obtain the optimal number of clusters in all cases.
    1. The Silhouette scores ranges between -1 and 1 where higher scores indicates better cluster assignments.

iClicker Exercise 16.1

Select all of the following statements which are TRUE.

    1. Similar to K-nearest neighbours, K-Means is a non parametric model.
    1. The meaning of K in K-nearest neighbours and K-Means clustering is very similar.
    1. Scaling of input features is crucial in clustering.
    1. In clustering, it’s almost always a good idea to find equal-sized clusters.

Limitations of K-means

Shape of clusters

  • Good for spherical clusters of more or less equal sizes

K-Means: failure case 1

  • K-Means performs poorly if the clusters have more complex shapes (e.g., two moons data below).

K-Means: failure case 2

  • Again, K-Means is unable to capture complex cluster shapes.

K-Means: failure case 3

  • It assumes that all directions are equally important for each cluster and fails to identify non-spherical clusters.

Can we do better?


  • Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
  • A density-based clustering algorithm


X, y = make_moons(n_samples=200, noise=0.08, random_state=42)
dbscan = DBSCAN(eps=0.2)
plot_original_clustered(X, dbscan, dbscan.labels_)

How does it work?

DBSCAN Analogy

Consider DBSCAN in a social context:

  • Social butterflies (🦋): Core points
  • Friends of social butterflies who are not social butterflies: Border points
  • Lone wolves (🐺): Noise points

Two main hyperparameters

  • eps: determines what it means for points to be “close”
  • min_samples: determines the number of neighboring points we require to consider in order for a point to be part of a cluster

DBSCAN: failure cases

  • Let’s consider this dataset with three clusters of varying densities.
  • K-Means performs better compared to DBSCAN. But it has the benefit of knowing the value of K in advance.
[ 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15]


Let’s take a 10-min break!


Definition: visual representation of a tree, in particular, the hierarchical representation of data…


Example: Languages


Hierarchical clustering

Flat clusters

  • This is good but how can we get cluster labels from a dendrogram?
  • We can bring the clustering to a “flat” format use fcluster

Linkage criteria

  • When we create a dendrogram, we need to calculate distance between clusters. How do we measure distances between clusters?
  • The linkage criteria determines how to find similarity between clusters:
  • Some example linkage criteria are:
    • Single linkage smallest minimal distance, leads to loose clusters
    • Complete linkage smallest maximum distance, leads to tight clusters
    • Average linkage smallest average distance between all pairs of points in the clusters
    • Ward linkage smallest increase in within-cluster variance, leads to equally sized clusters


  • Fill in the table below
Clustering Method KMeans DBSCAN Hierarchical Clustering
Shape of clusters
Handling noise