Below are the assigned videos for this week. The videos are collapsible so once you’re done with one, you can move to the next one. In the sidebar on the right, you can use the checklists to keep track of what’s done.
Summary of Calculus from Crash Course Physics (Optional but recommended)#
Required Videos#
1. Vectors and 2D Motion
2. Introduction to Tip-to-Tail Vector Addition, Vectors and Scalars
3. Introductory Tip-to-Tail Vector Addition Problem
4. Introduction to Vector Components
5. Introduction to Component Vectors and Unit Vectors
6. Introductory Vector Addition Problem using Component Vectors
7. A Visually Complicated Vector Addition Problem using Component Vectors
8. An Introductory Vector Addition Problem using Unit Vectors
9. Introduction to the R Position Vector by way of an Example Problem
10. Using the R Position Vector to find Velocity and Acceleration - Example Problem
11. How to use Cardinal Directions with Vectors
Optional Videos#
The videos below are relevant to the subject material, but are not required for Physics 111.