
Below are the assigned videos for this week. The videos are collapsible so once you’re done with one, you can move to the next one. In the sidebar on the right, you can use the checklists to keep track of what’s done.

Content Summary from Crash Course Physics#

Work, Energy, and Power

Required Videos#

1. Introduction to Work with Examples
- [Notes]( - [Direct link to Mr. P's page](
2. Introductory Work Problem
3. Introduction to Kinetic Energy with Example Problem
4. Introduction to the Integral or Anti-Derivative for use in Work from a Non-Constant Force
5. Defining Work with the Dot Product and a Review of the Dot Product - Constant Force
6. Hooke’s Law Introduction - Force of a Spring
7. Determining the Spring Constant, k, with a Vertically Hanging Mass
8. The Human Spine acts like a Compression Spring
9. Introduction to Mechanical Energy with Friction
10. Introductory Work due to Friction equals Change in Mechanical Energy Problem
11. Introduction to Power
12. Average and Instantaneous Power Example