
Below are the assigned videos for this week. The videos are collapsible so once you’re done with one, you can move to the next one. In the sidebar on the right, you can use the checklists to keep track of what’s done.

Content Summary from Crash Course Physics#

Friction (Same as last week’s)

Required Videos#

1. 5 Steps to Solve any Free Body Diagram Problem
- [Notes]( - [Direct link to Mr. P's page](
2. Introduction to Newton’s Third Law of Motion
3. A Common Misconception about Newton’s Third Law Force Pairs (or Action-Reaction Pairs)
4. Understanding the Tension Force
5. An Introductory Tension Force Problem
6. Force vs. Time on a Dynamics Cart
7. (Part 1) Reviewing Pulleys, Inclines and Free Body Diagrams with an Example Problem
8. (Part 2) Reviewing Pulleys, Inclines and Free Body Diagrams with an Example Problem