
Below are the assigned videos for this week. The videos are collapsible so once you’re done with one, you can move to the next one. In the sidebar on the right, you can use the checklists to keep track of what’s done.

Required Videos#

1. Centripetal Force Introduction and Demonstration
2. Introductory Centripetal Force Problem - Car over a Hill
3. What is the Maximum Speed of a Car at the Top of a Hill?
4. Determining the Force Normal on a Toy Car moving up a Curved Hill
5. Mints on a Rotating Turntable - Determining the Static Coefficient of Friction
6. Demonstrating Why Water Stays in a Bucket Revolving in a Vertical Circle
7. Analyzing Water in a Bucket a Bucket Revolving in a Vertical Circle
8. Minimum Speed for Water in a Bucket Revolving in a Vertical Circle
- [Notes]( - [Direct link to Mr. P's page](
9. Dropping a bucket of water with two holes in it
- [Notes]( - [Direct link to Mr. P's page](
10. Apparent Weightlessness

Content Warning: this is tricky and is likely to blow your mind!!

- [Notes]( - [Direct link to Mr. P's page](
9. Conical Pendulum Demonstration and Problem
- [Notes]( - [Direct link to Mr. P's page](

Optional Videos#

This video describes how you would use numerical modeling to solve the problem of a low-mass projectile with drag (see Figure 8.2 of the textbook). It is beyond the scope of this course to do this, but it’s here in case any of you are interested.

A Brief Look at the Force of Drag using Numerical Modeling (or The Euler Method)