
Below are the assigned videos for this week. The videos are collapsible so once you’re done with one, you can move to the next one. In the sidebar on the right, you can use the checklists to keep track of what’s done.

Content Summary from Crash Course Physics#

2D Motion

The video on uniform circular motion mentions forces - this we will cover in Chapter 5.

Uniform Circular Motion


1. Introduction to Projectile Motion
4. Nerd-A-Pult – An Introductory Projectile Motion Problem
7. Understanding the Range Equation of Projectile Motion
12. A Projectile Motion Problem using Unit Vectors
16. Introduction to Relative Motion using a Quadcopter Drone
23. Angular Velocity Introduction
25. Angular Acceleration Introduction
27. Uniformly Angularly Accelerated Motion Introduction
29. Human Tangential Velocity Demonstration​
31. Centripetal Acceleration Introduction

Optional (Additional examples)#

The videos are examples of some of examples being fully solved. They’re not required because they’re not essential, but many of you asked for additional videos so here they are!

I have maintained the numbering scheme from above so you can see how they fit in to the order.

2. An Introductory Projectile Motion Problem with an Initial Horizontal Velocity - Part 1 of 2
3. An Introductory Projectile Motion Problem with an Initial Horizontal Velocity - Part 2 of 2
5. Nerd-A-Pult – Measuring Initial Velocity
6. Nerd-A-Pult #2 – Another Projectile Motion Problem
8. Deriving the Range Equation of Projectile Motion
9.  A Range Equation Problem with Two Parts
10. The Classic Bullet Projectile Motion Experiment
11.  Demonstrating the Components of Projectile Motion
13. (Part 1) Throwing a Ball off a Building - A Projectile Motion Problem using Unit Vectors
14. (Part 2) Throwing a Ball off a Building - A Projectile Motion Problem using Unit Vectors
15. Skateboarding Frame of Reference Demonstration
17. An Introductory Relative Motion Problem
18. An Introductory Relative Motion Problem with Vector Components
19. Relative Motion Problem: Solving for the angle of the moving object
20. Introduction to Circular Motion and Arc Length
21. Defining Pi for Physics
22. Introductory Arc Length Problem - Gum on a Bike Tire
24. Introductory Angular Velocity Problem - A Turning Bike Tire
26. Angular Accelerations of a Record Player
28. Introductory Uniformly Angularly Accelerated Motion Problem - A CD Player
30. Introductory Tangential Velocity Problem - Mints on a Turntable
32. Introductory Centripetal Acceleration Problem - Cylindrical Space Station
33. Tangential Acceleration Introduction with Example Problem - Mints on a Turntable
34. Demonstrating the Directions of Tangential Velocity and Acceleration